Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/06/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In considering another aspect of "human progress" within the physical sciences, I see another area where several things are culminating which may become problematic within the consistencies I have observed and explored in my writings.

As if through our hyper-focus on imposed limitations, we are actually diverging from that larger process - much in the ways I have described.

This area isn't necessarily one aspect or "idea" becoming the problem - but most assuredly the larger problems would result from those human tendencies to even the haste for which ever reasons - as I have touched on.

The next larger concern that I can see is in the introduction of those alterations, especially within the amplified speed at which we now exist (especially in the consideration that such applied aspects, actually put us farther being - as explored - through the focus on them to an extreme degree) - and especially because of its very tendency in resulting combination with those of the human nature.

It is as if we are containing ourselves entirely within the artificial atmospheres we are creating - then further doing so within the haste as well.

This is to say that we already know of the magnitude in changes which can occur within our physical reality/realm, simply through observation of that advent and introduction - visa verse rather - of electricity for instance.

In that development tendency and consistency alone, is reason for create caution in introducing those more physically altering "development/progressions" to our own - or other - very beings. Further then I find it noteworthy that such concern isn't amplified in the same respect and effect as is/are other aspects of perception within our physical existences - which I feel they most surely should be to some degree - within the amplified aspects of that larger process of emulation of which we are (in my belief).

Another aspect I have observed and realized concerning that "schism" as it were, is a tendency now to promote a sort of "self fulfilling prophecy" dynamic. Perhaps in some interest of further mimicry and emulation? Some odd reassurance which is manufactured in the effort to corroborate given examples of said "advance."

In thinking about this I see that such isn't from the "hyper-amplification" alone, but is as much due to a combination of said - that concentrated area of focus, and further then - the level of such exposure (and the rate of such as well).

This particular set of dynamics I will cite as further evidence of assertions I have made to the effect of that "our existence itself is of a resonation in effect on/in many ways - an emulation of a larger process. Which of course, as we manage to further "anchor" ourselves with hasty "advance," then becomes that aspect of divergence - separation as it were, from that larger process.

This isn't necessarily a "good" or "bad" thing. Only an observation of such a dynamic as it continues to transpire. further, there seems to be an effect which entails a sort of "return" to a more close relationship with that larger process - a "tethered" effect, so to speak... which then could be discerned as some sort of cyclical pattern.. when really, from my own perspective - it is more that which I have described, in the "re-alignment" as it were. Though nothing so extreme (or "linear") as is a pendulum effect. More like an elastic tether... which itself seems to grow in length the farther along in "measured time" that we exist. ~

Yet another tendency I can see within this amplified- "super charged" version of our existence - is the rise of a tendency (more an amplification of it) to attempt to "still" the motion of it. Some of this effort in attempt to "control" while others I imagine, in the effort to combat (correct) the ill effects of that amplified dynamic and exposure. That element of "control" being more of that human tendency to assert ourselves as greater in the "grand scheme" - and therefore becoming more of a meddlesome detriment in the larger sense than any other "result" desired.

This then seems to have lead to just as desperate a sense of un-caring in some areas of existence - perhaps in the effort to attempt to avoid contribution to those ill effects of even the attempt of "outright control" pertaining to that larger motion (or even just a "neighboring level").

Examples of forms of this "control" can be seen as the attempt to genetically manufacture more "perfect" humans. This as well I see as an area of danger in regard to that "introduction" aspect - being very much of that human tendency to haste as well as a sense of power and "control." Given the result of that advent of electricity - as well as the common tendency to "rush" unfinished concepts and products to market for instance - it is safe to say that such consistency would then extend into things such as "genetic alterations."

It would seem that our capacity and intellect is as much a curse in that sense as it has been displayed (especially in recent history) - that our tendency to let the more rudimentary elements still influencing our perception and impulses - to "over-ride" the more human elements from which capacity has arisen. This then becomes yet another direct contradiction to itself when observed in the areas of human societies which are party to some idea (or various ideas) of further honing (through conscious effort) the human species in which ever means.

It is especially contradictory it would seem, in those areas which would hastily make or promote such changes through overt genetic - chemical - manipulations.

To hasten such a "stroke" as if the "hand of god" in such manners - simply to say that we can - is in my own opinion, again very much a self defeating contradiction. Even more so when it is within one of those "self fulfilling prophecies" - being happenstance as result of focus, or otherwise. In regard to such, I personally hold great concern though being an individual I cannot see my concern as of too much import.

Surely, simply as such is physically possible within our reality - such should be examined - As much danger may be in not thoroughly exploring it, as there is in hastily introducing that procession - But, that in no way means such knowledge has to be implemented as it is found. Just because we have nuclear weapons capability, doesn't mean that they should be used necessarily.

Further in regard to that hasty attempt to control the physical development of humans, it is that essentially "stilling" that natural process and progression concerning proximity and influence seems to be of some importance.

Simply through observation a person can realize much of that natural progression - I personally can go through my day and see similar attributes in total strangers, I have seen in people that I have known. I am sure that this extends to much more than just a physical manner. That much is confirmed in the actuality of social interactions - those similarities which constitute a harmonious society, are very much as result of the culmination of similarities - in one way or another.

If such similarities were non existent entirely, there would be no such thing as society to begin with..... much less social interactions enough to call civilization.

These "attributes," though similar, are never of an entire "duplication" in manner. Further, I have experienced this in various geographic areas not relating to one another in the least as per direct relation of/to proximity. This then stands as at least considerable in acknowledging the non-linear aspects of that larger process, and as well is indicative of the sort of motion(s) within that larger process that transpire. Those being beyond the common consideration in regard to the idea of "proximity" and interaction in motion as well.

it does illustrate to some degree, that larger (or at least the closer aspect of it, to our "reality") motion and process - exhibiting both recognizable linear attributes (which we tend toward) and further giving insight to non-linear aspects upon closer consideration.

In one respect, this then means that in order to "cleanse" society based on the presence of certain traits in that hasty manner which has been attempted several times in human history, is in effect wasted and as well states the larger fallacy (or lack of confidence) in the idea of "stranger" elements dominating the "linearly perceived" aspects of propagation - then further relegating such ideas and attempts to that area of "self fulfilling prophecy."

Further it would seem that the use of such physical influences in the attempt to "still" that existing larger process, and thusly hasten the development of "more advanced people," again may be producing an opposite effect of sorts. In such controlling efforts then producing more who are over again, more dependent upon the very contrived augmentations themselves (chemical, artificial) - within that then, another example of self fulfilling prophecy though perhaps not so much purposeful.

This larger tendency serves as example to illustrate another perspective and result of extremes within that "schism."

I would even venture, as I have touched on before, that some forms of illness (especially psychologically) in our modern day are as result and effect of the resonations and continued consistency of that "schism" - a "cross canceling effect" then manifesting as what we perceive to be illness - indicative and as result of that "distance" we continue to promote.

In other terms, I would simply cite the effect as per said "illness" to be in direct relation of our species "falling out of phase" so to speak, with that larger process. At least in regard to the given combination(s) of proximity effect throughout the entire process in which we currently reside and are conditioned to.

In that thought as I have observed, is very much the opposite possibility of a larger "bump" in that process which could cause us to "lose touch" with it - but in that, it would seem that historically such "drop" has been more as result of human folly and endeavor than of our atmosphere, so to speak. Most times as can be seen, in the lofty efforts to implement some confined control, as it were. ~


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